Paul van Dyk pres. VENTURE X | ADE 2024

Paul van Dyk pres. VENTURE X | ADE 2024

  • so 19. 10. 18:30
  • Melkweg
  • Amsterdam, Nizozemsko

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Tahle akce už skončila

Vstupenky už není možné koupit ani prodat. Vraťte se k vyhledávání a najděte si jinou akci.


Paul Van Dyk is again. Paul grew up in communist East Berlin, and experienced the new booming club culture after the reunification from the front row. He went searching for an alternative for the hard Detroit techno that dominated the Berlin club culture - and his unique sound was born.

During this edition of ADE, Paul Van Dyk will introduce VENTURE X: an exciting concept where the DJ sources from the finest trance, progressive house and techno music available and brings it all together during one evening.



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