Ongehoord (Farewell edition)

Ongehoord (Farewell edition)

  • pá 25. 10. 2024 23:00
  • Simplon
  • Groningen, Nizozemsko

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Tahle akce už skončila

Vstupenky už není možné koupit ani prodat. Vraťte se k vyhledávání a najděte si jinou akci.


After 7 incredible years and more than 50 unforgettable nights, it’s time to say goodbye. Ongehoord has always been about bringing together all electronic styles into one epic night of chaos, and on October 25th, we’re doing it one last time at Simplon, Groningen.
We started with big dreams, blending techno, drum ‘n’ bass, house, and everything in between. Now, after slowing down last year, we’ve made the difficult decision to pull the plug. But before we go, we’re giving you the most legendary send-off yet. For this grand finale, we’re throwing the biggest and most unpredictable party yet. All electronic styles. One night.

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