Intercell x Narciss pres. Battle Royale | ADE By Day | ADE 2024

Intercell x Narciss pres. Battle Royale | ADE By Day | ADE 2024

  • so 19. 10. 2024 12:00
  • Levenslang Amsterdam
  • Amsterdam, Nizozemsko

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Tahle akce už skončila

Vstupenky už není možné koupit ani prodat. Vraťte se k vyhledávání a najděte si jinou akci.


Battle Royale refers to the eponymous competition format in martial arts. A competition during which new fighters enter the ring periodically without the fighters already in the ring knowing who will enter next.

In other words, we’ll have a secret lineup ready to go back-to-back with Narciss throughout the day at Levenslang. That in itself wouldn’t be that special, however… Narciss will also be entirely clueless about whom they'll meet in the ring and thus needs to be prepared for some good old curveballs.

Oh yes, this is hella fun.

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Levenslang Amsterdam

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