IIIMAGINE x Antwerp Central Station - live electronic music | light projections

IIIMAGINE x Antwerp Central Station - live electronic music | light projections

  • 14. 2. – 22. 2.
  • Central Station Antwerp
  • Antwerpen, Belgie


31 k dispozici 1020 prodáno 426 to chci

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After the excitement of our last sold out editions, IIIMAGINE is back with an innovative show in Antwerp Central Station.

. We are composing new electronic music & designing the light projections that will make Antwerp Central Station come alive. Dance with us
. Other DJs to be announced

. Practical

  • Timings: 20:00 - 01:00 ~ we like high intensity shows
  • Minimum age: 18+
  • More info on Instagram

. Music
At IIIMAGINE, we celebrate dance as a pure form of expression. We love the vintage French touch days, with disco & rock sounds from the ‘70s or ’80s, powerful, a good amount of distortion, yet in a contemporary context with intensive kicks. We maintain a four-to-the-floor rhythm, while our synthesizers explore more intriguing, darker sounds

. About
A multidisciplinary approach as our driving force: the music, visuals, light design, performance, operations, and production - all created by IIIMAGINE

  • Facebook


Central Station Antwerp

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